Thursday, December 3, 2009

God's Gift I Call Jacob

My sweet Jacob is resting comfortably after two long nights of recovery. This is the 5th time in the last year that he has been diagnosed with pneumonia; Jacob is a year old with Downs syndrome. I never asked God why he has given me this child nor will I ever but I will always be thankful that He chose me for this challenge. All the excitement and joy you feel when a "normal" child reaches a milestone is even more precious with a child that has special needs. They really need to work at things that come naturally for others. It is amazing the effort that is put forth just to sit. I tell ya', when Jacob rolled over for the first time I literally screamed I was so ecsatic. But the best part of Jacob is the quiet teacher that lies within him. I have seen great lessons of patience and acceptance. I have witnessed the softening of a strong man's demeanor toward his son and an ability to make others love him in a matter of minutes. And a lesson that I have realized through all of it is that great things happen when you step out of your comfort zone.

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